You can read some of my past writing and research below
Social change and social movements
- The State of the Growing Movement Fighting Inequality, Fight Inequality Alliance, Atlantic Fellows for Social and Economic Equity and Rhize, (2019).
- Understanding Activism: How International NGOs, Foundations and Others Can Provide Better Support to Social Movements, Rhize and The Atlantic Council, (2017).
- Is the juice worth the squeeze? A guide for communities, workers, civil society and trade unions considering using transnational non-judicial redress mechanism, Civil Society Guide, Corporate Accountability Research, (2016).
- Global goals and international agreements: Lessons for the design of the Sustainable Development Goals, Working Paper No 402, Overseas Development Institute (ODI), (2014).
- 9 Ways to Change the World? Theories of Change for Engaging People on Global Issues, Corelab Research Briefing, (2014).
- with Annabel Brown, Transparency International Secretariat Mid Term Review Final Report, (2014).
- with Sanushka Mudaliar and Nicole Woodfield, A Global Force for Change: Contributions of Young people in the OIYP Network to a Fairer World, Oxfam, ISBN 1875870679, (2008).
Corporate accountability and transparency
- with Dr Kate Macdonald and Dr Shelley Marshall, Beyond Effectiveness Criteria: The possibilities and limits of transnational non-judicial redress mechanisms, Corporate Accountability Research, (2016).
- with Dr Shelley Marshall and Dr Kate Macdonald, Redress for Transnational Business-Related Human Rights Abuses in the UK, Corporate Accountability Research, (2016).
- with Dr Shelley Marshall, Dr Kate Macdonald and Kristen Zornad, Redress for Transnational Business-Related Human Rights Abuses in Australia, Corporate Accountability Research, (2016).
- Opening Up on Company Ownership, The B Team Briefing Paper (2016).
- with Heather Lowe, Kate Ormiston Smith and Joshua Simmons, Tackling Corruption and Promoting Stability Through Beneficial Ownership Transparency – The Business Case, The B Team, (2015).
- with Daniel Hart and Lida Preyma, Putting Beneficial Ownership Transparency Into Practice, B20 Anti-Corruption Task Force, (2015).
- with Oistein Thorsen, ‘Sustainability by Committee: The Rise of Multi-stakeholder Initiatives‘, Sustainable Aquaculture Digital, (2014).
Economic resilience and justice
- with Dr Kate Macdonald (eds), ‘Accountability in public international development finance’, Global Policy Journal, 4:6 (2015)
- with Simon Feeny, ‘Vulnerability and Resilience to Shocks in Melanesia’, Simon Feeny (ed.), Household Vulnerability and Resilience to Economic Shocks, Routledge, London, (2014).
- with Jaclyn Donahue and Kate Eccles, ‘Reinforcing Vulnerabilities: Gendered and Age-based Experiences of Economic Shocks in Melanesia’, Simon Feeny (ed.), Household Vulnerability and Resilience to Economic Shocks, Routledge, London, (2014).
- with Simon Feeny, Lachlan McDonald, Jaclyn Donahue and Alberto Posso, ‘Household Vulnerability and Resilience to Shocks: Findings from Solomon Islands and Vanuatu’, SSGM Discussion Paper 2013/2, Australian National University, (2013).
- with Duncan Green and Richard King, ‘The Global Economic Crisis and Developing Countries’, Oxfam Policy and Practice: Agriculture, Food and Land, 10:1, 67-138, (2010).
- with Roysepta Abimanyu, The Real Story Behind the Numbers: The impacts of the global economic crisis 2008-2009 on Indonesia’s women workers, Oxfam International, (2010).
- with Simon Feeny, ‘Trouble in Paradise?’, Commonwealth Finance Ministers Meeting Briefing Pack, Commonwealth Secretariat, (2010).
- Partnering with our neighbours? Realising the potential of Pacific Partnerships for Development, Oxfam Australia Briefing Paper, (2008).